Friday, 19 December 2014

Take a break and boycot the media!

Photo credit: PG.NETO via photopin cc
I have to say some more about Pegida and Co: I feel confirmed in my mind that reading newspapers, television and especially the news are very unhealthy.

Why? "Only bad news is good news!" is the motto of the media today. No wonder so many people seek refuge in nice blogs : -). The people are shown to have a much bleaker picture of the world, for example, the estimated crime rate is a lot higher than it actually is!

Currently the net is haunted by a title of the magazine SPIEGEL from 2007, talking about a silent Islamization in Mecca Germany! Such things stuck in people's heads, as you can see Mondays on the streets of Dresden.
What I would suggest is simply to go back again to the basis of the facts and switch off the telly, put the paper down, unplug the power cord and concentrate on your personal life. Take a deep breath! Refuse the media!

I now once again will mask Pegida and Co. Why ? Because I cannot concentrate, my mood was at rock bottom for the last couple of days and I won't be able to affect anyone positively in such a constitution.

With a media boycott I do not want you to deny reality. I want you to come back into reality! Power on the eyes, take a look around and talk with the people in your immediate area (not on Facebook , Sina!). Live and in color! This is how we have the greatest impact! This is how we can personally achieve the most. What time is better suited for it than Christmas :- ).

photo credit: quinn.anya via photopin cc

1 comment:

  1. Great article about how news make us sick aka boycotting the news might make us happier and more creative: (thanks Walter!)
