Tuesday, 14 October 2014

How many clothes do we need anyway?

We had a small family scandal this weekend. My dad got het up about the fact that I still wear this one pair of shoes! My husband bought them for me as a present for Christmas two or three years ago and they are great! They match all my outfits! What's wrong with wearing those things you love, again and again?
Am I boring people with my outfits? Am I obliged to buy new clothes just to not constantly wear the same stuff? Quite the contrary. Usually, no one ever notices if I am wearing the same things ever and ever again. I just cleaned out my closet ! There were bags full of clothes that I have never, almost never, or rarely worn. Some clothes simply did not fit me after three pregnancies : -) . And it 's great to look into a virtually empty wardrobe. I feel free and I can quickly decide what to wear today. I do not have to think long and try different clothes on. And because I 'm on a saving trip, these clothes must now extend until spring . And I am sure they will.I'm not the only one who is on the "I do not need so many clothes"trip . Have a look at the project 333-website. The aim is to use only 33 garments for 3 months (one season). The underwear and socks are not included, nor sports stuff if your really only use it for sports. Included are jewelry, hats and shoes, etc. There it is getting exciting when you want to stay with a total of 33 pieces. I have all the things that I will not wear in the fall season stored in a box. What is left in my wardrobe you can see here:

These are: eight tops, five pants, one skirt, three blankets, one shawl. I also have two athletic shorts and rain pants. There is also a sweater, a raincoat and an outdoor jacket. In addition there are the ominous boots and a second pair of shoes. Thus, the 33 is definitely still in the distant future. Maybe I should wear earrings or my watch, again : -) . If you don't have the courage to give away your clothes, you could also just disable them for a few months in a box : -) . Try it! It 's fun!


  1. Von diesem Projekt habe ich auch schon mal gelesen. Stelle ich mir zugleich super spannend und extrem schwierig vor. Ich steh jeden Morgen mit einem leicht schlechten Gewissen vor dem Schrank weil da so viele tolle Sachen drinhängen die ich eigentlich mag, doch die gerade nicht der Jahreszeit entsprechen oder mir im Moment einfach zu bunt/gemustert sind.
    Find ich toll, dass dus ausprobiert hast und dem Schreiben nach ziemlich glücklich mit dem Ergebnis bist. Und zudem anscheinend weniger als 33 Teile für die Saison hast (wenn ich das richtig verstanden hab). DAS finde ich sehr beeindruckend.

    Liebe Grüße, Daniela

    1. Ja, Klamotten weggeben ist so eine Sache. Du kannst den minimalistischen Kleiderschrank prima testen, wenn Du einfach die aussortierten Sachen nur mal für eine Zeit im Keller oder in der hintersten Schrankecke verstaust. Das mache ich bei den Kinderklamotten so. Dann kann ich im Notfall einfach wieder was aus der Kiste holen :-). Und es ist wirklich toll, wenn der Kleiderschrank einfach mal angenehm aufgeräumt ist...
